Life happens everyday so let's ask R U OK? any day

Life happens every day. One minute you're up, then you're down, and sometimes you're somewhere in between. The point is things change quickly and sometimes a conversation could be what it takes to really make a difference.

By having regular, meaningful conversations with those close to you, you can help prevent something small from becoming something big. Checking in often builds trust and creates space for open, honest conversations. When someone you care about is struggling, they’ll know they can count on you to listen.

A Conversation Could Change a Life

If you have a feeling that someone you know or care about isn’t OK, chances are you could be right. Maybe they seem off, more irritable, withdrawn, or just not quite themselves.

Starting a conversation and mentioning the changes you’ve noticed can encourage a family member, friend, or colleague to open up. If they’re not OK, you can use's conversation steps to offer support and help them explore ways to better manage what they’re going through. If they are OK, they’ll know you’re someone who genuinely cares enough to check in.

May R U OK? Day inspire and remind you to spark more life-changing conversations—not just today but any day of the year.

Date September, 2024